Norman Maclean Reform Party UK Luton South Spokesman

Norman Maclean – Reform Party Spokesman for Luton South Constituency

Reform UK are the party of common sense. We believe in low tax, high growth, small government, freedom of choice, rewarding hard work and making work pay. We will secure our borders, protect the safety and security of the nation.

This website contains my personal opinions & views, not official Reform Party policy. To see Official Reform UK Party policy, please visit Reform UK Party

I am Norman Maclean, your Reform UK Spokesman for the Luton South Constituency. I will be standing as your Reform Party candidate at the next general election.

If you are disillusioned with politics, politicians and everything that is going on at the moment, please take a look at our policies and what we have to offer. We are not like the existing parties, we will restore common sense, integrity and honesty to politics.



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You have a choice; you can stand on the sidelines & moan about everything that is wrong with the Country & the dire state of current politics, or, you can get involved and help us to make the changes we all need....